Chapter 01 Properties of Fluid

 Chapter 01 Properties of Fluid 

Lecture 01 Introduction 

Lecture 03 Basic Required Concept Of Engineering Mechanics in Fluid

Lecture 04 Mass Density Of Fluid and its Variations 

Lecture 05 Sp. Weight, Sp. Gravity & Relative Density of Fluid

Lecture 06 Concept Of Various Fluid Pressures 

Lecture 07 Vapor & Saturated Vapor Pressure of Fluid

Lecture 08 Compressibility & Bulk Modulus Of Fluid 

Lecture 09 Introduction Of Fluid Viscosity

Lecture 10 Application Of Viscosity (Part 1)

Lecture 11 Application Of Viscosity (Part 2)

Lecture 12 Variation Of Fluid Viscosity with temp. and pressure

Lecture 13 Non Newtonian Fluid-Rheology (Part 1)

Lecture 14 Concept Of Surface Tension (Part 1)  

Lecture 15 Concept Of Surface Tension (Part 2) 

Lecture 16 Application Of Surface Tension (Part 1) 

Lecture 17 Application Of Surface Tension (Part 2)  

Lecture 18 Capillarity Effect (Part 1) 

Lecture 19 Capillarity Effect (Part 2) 

Lecture 20 Cavitation Phenomenon

Lecture 21 Previous Year Questions