Chapter 04 Fluid Dynamics

Fluid Dynamics

Lecture 01 Introduction Of Fluid Dynamics 

Lecture 02 Derivation Of Basic Euler's Momentum Equation

Lecture 03 Concept Of Bernoulli's Equations 

Lecture 04 Application Of Energy & Bernoullis Equation Between Two Points 

Lecture 05 Previous Year Questions 1

Lecture 06 Previous Year Questions 2

Lecture 07 Concept Of Linear Momentum And Force On Bend Of Pipe

Lecture 08 Concept Of Angular Momentum And Sprinkler (Part 1) 

Lecture 09 Concept Of Angular Momentum And Sprinkler (Part 2) 

Lecture 10 Concept Of Shihon And Summit Point

Lecture 11 Design And Physics Of Venturimeter 

Lecture 12 Introduction About The Flow Measurement Devices 

Lecture 13 Concept Of Inclined And Vertical Venturimeter 

Lecture 14 Mathematical Study Of Venturimeter

Lecture 15 Previous Year Questions 3

Lecture 16 Previous Year Questions 4

Lecture 17 Pitot Tube Basic Introduction

Lecture 18 Mathematics Of Pitot Tube

Lecture 19 Concept Of Orifice Meter 

Lecture 20 Empty Of Tank & Multi Orifices